"The industry tricks to be able to minimize the use of goods and maximize profits," says Fritz Treiber.
The microbiologist at the University of Graz shows in the taste laboratory how the industry deliberately tricks with the cheapest ingredients. Ice cream is inflated with a lot of air, pestos, humus & Co are made heavier with unnecessary plant fibers. Cheap ham in the wholesale trade or in the catering trade often has too high a water content. A test by the Association for Consumer Information shows that toast ham, for example, contains about 20% extra water. Foodwatch Austria and Birgit Beck from the Association for Consumer Information explain one or the other packaging hoax.
Deceptions and misleading statements are not the exception with packaged foods. Mostly legal through clever phrasing, they nevertheless let us consumers believe that we are buying a particularly low-calorie or biologically natural product. Manufacturers know exactly what they have to do to make their product look better - they trick - like all their competitors. On the label, companies can legally advertise the positive health effects of individual ingredients, even if the entire food product is far from healthy. The documentary reveals everything that is on our supermarket shelves, how deceptive some product presentations are, and which products do not contain what consumers expect and assume.
"Fake food" is a film that explains the legal tricks of the industry, but also shows positive examples and other ways of production. In the end, the question remains: do we always know what we are really eating?